Oak Road | Teen Ink

Oak Road

October 26, 2014
By AaronT SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
AaronT SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"
-Andrew Ryan, Bioshock

The Ancient Oak Road moves ever on just before me,
Crook’d ghost-shapes of the past sauntering by.
These ancient trees speak deep-root words to me slowly,
A creaking old road-whisper sent up to the sky.
The moss sways so lightly,
Inviting embrace.
Yet it sits up so high that it mocks my low place.
Still I smile,
And turn,
With pocketed hand,
As it begins to rain on this ancient Oak Land.
I continue my walk,
Smelling moist,
Humid rain.
And I come 'cross a basin,
Which once was a drain.
How pleasing to see the earth taking it back.
Now that there is no fear of a human attack.
The tadpoles and minnows shimmer 'long as they go,
They carry no memories of these old, aged woes.
My journey moves on,
As it ever will do.
But before I go on,
I have one quest for you.
Find your Oak Road,
It matters not where.
Go to your peace,
You'll find happiness there.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by my favorite place in the world: the Road of Oaks at the Brookegreen Gardens statue garden in South Carolina. I always feel so relieved and at peace there. And while others may not feel the same, I wrote this poem to emphasize how critical it is to find a place where you feel at peace, where you can leave your worries behind.

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