Old City | Teen Ink

Old City

October 5, 2013
By Clam_Cobbler BRONZE, Southampton, Pennsylvania
Clam_Cobbler BRONZE, Southampton, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When life puts you in tough situations, instead of saying; 'why me?', say; 'try me!'"

~Miley Cyrus

Cloudy skies with chilled air
giving the place a morbid flair.
Peeled-painted houses with a musty smell
Any pothole in the street could lead you to hell.
Monochrome background with an uneasy feeling
No sign of sunlight, but nostalgic music blasting out of car windows are ever so appealing.
Cigarette smoke clogs up the lungs
as you breathe in the air the Old City had brung
Quiet, abandoned alleys
No sign of the shore, no sign of a valley.
Old City has lasted for more than 20 years
Mysteries unexpected, and people gaining fears.
It's rowdy out there, it's an unorganized mess
It's so old and unrefined, which must be confessed.
People come in, but no one escapes
this town of the unknown which probably isn't as great
As what you'd think of a big city
It's a ghost-town out here, which some people find pretty...
Weirdos come here to play
Normies don't have time to stay here all day
They got better things to do than risk their life away
In this Old City, in which I will see again some day...

The author's comments:
I'm writing a story on Wattpad called "Old City", and I just love the feel to this; I love how monochromatic the city seems to be, and I love how it's so odd and underrated. I compare this to downtown Philly, like in the suburban area, kind of, and I just think the feeling of being in a rinky-dink place like this, is cool. I love the feeling of musty, cold air, and I find beauty in somewhat underrated things (old music, etc.)

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