Love Through War | Teen Ink

Love Through War

October 2, 2013
By AlexiusCelia SILVER, Leetsdale, Pennsylvania
AlexiusCelia SILVER, Leetsdale, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"When will I see you again?
I don't want to live alone.
You're going so far away,
A country, to me, is unknown."

"I promise you, dear,
Our love will drive me back to your inviting smile.
Once we have our freedom,
This war will be worthwhile."

"I don't care about war.
We don't know what pain we will undergo.
We will be apart for so long,
Our love for another could soon outgrow."

"Will you stop loving me?
I know of that, you wouldn't ever think.
So how could I do the same,
When our minds and our hearts are so in sync?"

Surrounded by fighting men,
Still, I will be long living lonely.
I'll be loving my lifelong lady.
My true love, the one and only.

Our love is stronger than guns,
Our faithfulness is stronger than war.
Nothing could separate us.
Alone, we won't be anymore.
I spent a near year fighting for freedom.
You waited for me patiently.
It pained you to spend night alone,
But you still waited for me, faithfully.

Darling, You'll have to wait longer.
The pain you feel will increase.
The thing to separate us is here.
The damage has sent me to rest in peace.
I promised you I'd return,
I'm sorry but this is a promise I must break.
I've endured pain that is intense as the war I fight.
Still, saying goodbye is my worst fate.

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