Bolivian Brothers | Teen Ink

Bolivian Brothers

July 20, 2013
By OrienteP BRONZE, Alexandria, Virginia
OrienteP BRONZE, Alexandria, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My fellow Bolivian Brothers

although we have different colors and mothers

we still should not fight

because united together we have more might

We all have cried

in the wars where we saw our people die

we cannot forget the problems that kills us

but we cannot just fight and cus

We have to ignore stupidity

and follow the idea of divinity

fathers,aunts and mothers

do not discriminate because we are all brothers

The world vies us as third world slackers

but we will not be compared to the first world hackers

So my Bolivian Brothers

don't fight, don't hate, just love one another

The author's comments:
This is a relfection of the hatred that is in my country, racism, socialist ideals, and the stupidity ignorance brings upon my people,

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