The Fate of the Aquila | Teen Ink

The Fate of the Aquila

May 10, 2013
By Anonymous

The Fate of the Aquila
There was once a great sailing ship
her name was the Aquila
She sailed and sailed and much prevailed
o’er many a pirate ship
She was made in 1882
after Columbus sailed the ocean blue
Strong as an ox
yet, she could haul many a box
There was once a great sailing ship
her name was the Aquila
She sailed and sailed and much prevailed
o’er many a pirate ship
She sailed in the sun
She sailed in the rain
She sailed through pain
She sailed while having fun
The years went by
Yet, she stayed the same
Captains and Crews changed
Yet, she stayed the same
There was once a great sailing ship
her name was the Aquila
She sailed and sailed and much prevailed

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