My Insecurities | Teen Ink

My Insecurities

May 3, 2013
By Anonymous

People call me ugly,
People call me fat.
I may not be perfect,
At least I'm not a brat.

People say you're perfect,
I kinda have to agree.
The number of guys fallin' for you,
I wish that could be me.

You always push me down,
I try to reach for the sky.
"Is it even worth it?",
Why do I even try?

Prom is coming up,
I don't have a date.
Today may be the day,
To go and lift a weight.

Maybe use some makeup,
Perhaps some blush would do.
Now I need a date,
I hope it will be Drew.

Tonight was perfect,
It made my dreams come true.
His eyes were so pretty,
They were deep ocean blue.

I want to relive last night,
All my maturities.
It then made me realize,
I don't have insecurities.

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This article has 1 comment.

kaleiii said...
on May. 29 2013 at 1:25 am
wooooooow. this is amazing! I love your writing(: Hope you write more soon<3