The Fate | Teen Ink

The Fate

March 14, 2013
By Anonymous

Sitting on a balcony
Breeze blowing in the air
As she sits quietly
Playing with her hair

All Sarah does is dream
“If only I had a heart”
She weeps
“All because this love fell apart”

She lost the “one”
Her true man
What has fate brought her to
If only she hadn’t ran

The night was cold Jakes words, bittersweet
All she could do was leave
His soul broken and incomplete

Cut to the heart
Body broken
She felt ill like she would have a stroke

Looking out toward the horizon
Seeing the setting sun in the west
“I miss us” she whispers
Feeling that their love was the best

Crying out to the heavens
Praying there was still hope, there
Wanting for him to come back
Wishing he would hold her and care

Lost love hurts
As painful as it is
Sarah must face it
For what it is

Unless fate was lying
Could it not be the end
No, it’s just the beginning
Of a new lifelong friend.

The author's comments:
I enjoy poems that are filled with stories and memories i can relate to.

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