There's Always a Price to Pay for Fun | Teen Ink

There's Always a Price to Pay for Fun

February 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Eyes that are swimming,
heart made of stone,
youth in revolt,
bad to the bone.

Summer nights,
the smell of thick smoke,
breathing slowly,
trying not to choke.

Faking a smile,
flirting with a wink,
scrubbing dried blood
off the bathroom sink.

There's always a price to pay,
for having this much fun,
lying and crying,
blocking out everyone.

Reeking of terror
and bursting with dreams,
sometimes young love
isn't as innocent as it seems.

Deep in depression,
searching for a fix,
cuts and bluish bruises,
begging for his kicks.

Playing with lighters,
laughing at you,
dancing with demons,
not a thing you can do.

Free for all,
all for one,
There's always a price
to pay for fun.

Puking in you toilet,
ripping out my hair,
Love is a traitor,
and he doesn't care.

This is the lowest
that I've ever been,
lost all my morals,
in need of a friend.

Mind's a wreck,
my lungs out of time,
everyday is a struggle,
a reward less climb.

Don't die now darling,
you story's just begun.
This is the price you must pay,
for having all that fun

The author's comments:
This about my dark-dark summer. I miss it. I miss him. I miss the love. I miss the fights. I miss the blood. And the tears. And the crying. And the way he'd hold me after he apologized. I miss it all. It's the most painfully beautiful series of memories I've ever had.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 27 2013 at 8:10 pm
Rachel7296 BRONZE, Noblesville, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not caring about what other people think is the best change I've ever made

This kind of sounds like my summer. DId yours start off amazing and the best summer ever then something happened and it went to horrible?