Baseball Ballad | Teen Ink

Baseball Ballad

November 4, 2012
By Cjohn BRONZE, Bowie, Maryland
Cjohn BRONZE, Bowie, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

John’s a boy who laid a big hit
He swung the ball across the pit
The coach, he said “My son, you’re great,
The Hall of Fame will be your fate”.

Winning the game is all it seemed
To bring much pride to fans esteemed.
The only thing for teams to bring
Is John and his almighty swing.
The coach, he said “My son, you’re great,
The Hall of Fame will be your fate.”

The years have passed, John’s now a man
High school di’monds has now been ran.
From Little League, he’s gone to Pro
The fans they love him; that I know.

The coach, he said “My son, you’re great,
The Hall of Fame will be your fate.”

What fans expect John aimed to give.
Without baseball he couldn’t live
But time and age began to creep
Steroid he tried for pace to keep.
Then coach said, “You could ‘ave been great
But you let drugs to seal your fate.”

The author's comments:
I Like sports and I felt bad that we have people in sports that waste their talent and fame because of their steroid use. I feel betrayed every time I hear of some sports great who have medals and endorsements revoked because of illegal drug use.

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