The Lonely Tree | Teen Ink

The Lonely Tree

June 4, 2012
By Melyssa BRONZE, Sharon, Other
Melyssa BRONZE, Sharon, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a tree, who stood all alone,
Then came a boy, he looked hardly grown.
The boy found the tree, loved him so much,
The tree felt warmth with every touch.
The boy and the tree spent every day together.
They were best friends, like birds of a feather.
The boy grew older, and so did the tree,
But trees live forever, immortal, the boy could not be.
As the boy grew older, he became more and more ill,
And the tree stood by him, until the sickness went for the kill.
There was a funeral, a week from that day,
Under the tree, where the boy used to play.
Loved ones wept, while the sky turned to grey,
And the lonely tree watched as the boys ashes
sailed away.

The author's comments:
this was inspired by the giving tree

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