Too Good to be True | Teen Ink

Too Good to be True

September 30, 2010
By Netsirk BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Netsirk BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

It was a bright sunny morning on a Saturday,
Yet the princess woke to darkness much to her dismay.
Locked in a tower that was twenty thousand stories high,
The beautiful princess saw no light and could only sigh,

"So incredibly lonely I am here in this tower!
But my freedom may come in just one short hour.
The gallant Prince of Cornsville shall come for me upon his steed.
Though first he must fight the vile ogre and make him concede.

The princess is so very anxious as she sits and waits
For the Prince of Cornsville to make his way through the castle gates.
Thousands of fantasies run through the priness's head.
By tonight she'd saved by the prince, and to him she'd be wed.

Together they would be forever in eternal love
Living a charming life sweeter than the song of a dove.
Oh how excited the princess was for her brand new life.
A life without forlorn darkness, a life without strife.

The princess hears a sound beyond the walls not far away.
Could it be? The prince has arrived! He has come to save the day!/
She listens to the rhythmic trot of the prince's horse below.
The prince shouts, "Oh princess, your freedom I will bestow!"

THe fight soon rang out between the ogre and the prince.
The cacophony was so loud, it made the princess wince.
The princess counted the hours: one hour, two hours, three...
Then it finally came, the end she thought she'd never see.

"Vicotry!" the prince shouts as the ogre falls to his death.
Sprinting down the stairs, the princess holds her breath.
Looking for her gorgeous princess, she steps into the sunlight
Only to find the Duke of Wheatville, a truly awful sight.

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