Of Heated Moment | Teen Ink

Of Heated Moment

May 15, 2010
By Chrissy_L GOLD, Ramsey, New Jersey
Chrissy_L GOLD, Ramsey, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 66 comments

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An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

Of heated moment, and biting lead,
Dust let settle, and one lay dead,
Now with the town we’ll openly cry,
With all of those who knew the guy.

So why can we feel no remorse,
For those slaughtered as our fuel source?
Held ball and chain by wooden posts,
'Til butchered down to flanks,
And roasts.

Led to an unknowing demise,
In a deathly house of monstrous size,
Yet idly we stand,
And turn away,
As the sun sets on their numbered days.

Heartlessly we wring their necks,
And blood does sign our butchers’ checks,
As cleavers carve their lifeless corpse,
And we claim profits with no remorse.

Now openly we boast our work,
On grocery shelves of slaughtered pork,
And blindly we wet our hands,
In the stagnant blood of our demands.

Why am I viewed differently,
For these wretched truths which I can see?
How can you just sit, quiet and still?
Do or don’t you condone each kill?

The author's comments:
People are compassionate beings; most whom I know would never dream of harming another creature. Yet, they eat hamburgers, pork chops, and steaks without concern. It pains me to see these people eating animals, especially those factory farmed, without the slightest trace of remorse. What truly makes the life of a dog, or even a human, any more valuable than a cow's?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 16 2010 at 8:08 am
Egyptiangirl13 GOLD, Kansas City, Missouri
14 articles 0 photos 498 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. -Benjamin Franklin

\"If columbus would have turned back, no one would have blamed him. No one would have remembered him either.\"

\"If music be the food of love, play on.\"

great job!!! this is sooooo good! i love it!! please check out some of my work-it would mean a lot coming from a talented peot who is capapble of writing this awesome piece