The Boy | Teen Ink

The Boy

June 25, 2024
By Three-Thirty SILVER, Memphis, Tennessee
Three-Thirty SILVER, Memphis, Tennessee
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yes, of course duct tape works in a near-vacuum. Duct tape works anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshipped." -Andy Weir, The Martian

Bright eyes,

Strong will,

And fire in his veins,

Follow this boy

Through the woods

And have no fear

Of death when he’s near

This power,


To any mere mortal,

Is a reason for hope

In this struggle-filled life

Maybe if one can obtain


They could gain this power

As well

Follow this boy

Through the woods

The sky darkens

But the boy begins

To glow

And your fear

Of the monsters

Haunting the dark forest

Is drowned out

By his light

Deeper and deeper he goes

Into the forest

And the dreams

That float in your head

Begin to solidify,

Becoming reality

Within your mind

And you mustn’t stumble,

But simply continue

To follow this boy

Through the woods

As you further your journey,

You become more like him

And your dreams,

Now reality,

Surround you

Similar to his glow,

You begin to shine

Your fears melt

And become


In the back of your mind

Your confidence


And your eyes brighten,

Shining as you

Begin to smile

And electricity

Courses through your body

Follow this boy

Through the woods,

Follow his example

And train your power

This newfound strength

You have acquired

It is a raw,



He helps direct your power

At targets

Framed as enemies

And as the night moves on,

You’re working

Against moving,

Living creatures

Of his own creation

The clearing,

Now alight

As fire and sparks mix,

Flashing in the air

Mornings pass

And you grow stronger,

Your power beginning

To come more at will


You outlast every creation

That he can put against you

And the only way to grow stronger

Is to fight reality itself


From the woods,

Previously held back

By your combined glow,

Swarm you

As the boy

Watches from above,

Silently judging your progress

With a newly forged anger

And a sword made of light,

You surge forward

And begin to fight

Any demon from the shadows

That comes close enough

To be touched by your sword

You weave,


And slice

At anything

That comes near,


An almost-instantaneous


For the forest’s monsters

The fight,

Though not matched

In strength

Or effort,

Rages through the night

And by its end,

It has rid a large number

Of demons

From the shadows

Of the trees

The boy simply

Rejoins you on the ground

And nods silently,

Although a slight smile

Plays on his lips

Follow this boy

Through the woods,

Further and further you go,

Deeper and deeper you progress

The woods become

More and more dense


You reach the core,

The center of the woods

And here,

You are met

With silence

A complete and total silence

Envelopes the entirety

Of the clearing

You look to the boy

And he stands,

Shoulders square,

Staring straight into your eyes,

Seeming to see through you

His arms extend

And you step back

As fire surrounds him

You turn

And see another child,

Eyes cold as ice,

The air chilling around her

You step to the side

And the two of them collide

A flurry of color and heat and cold

You watch,

But don’t dare intervene

Until he looks to you

And raises a hand to the girl

Causing her to still,

Slowly turning to acknowledge you

The boy winks

And backs into the forest

Leaving you with the girl,


She smirks,

And becomes a flurry of ice

And power

You dodge

And weave

And strike periodically

With your electric force,

Breaking her frozen shards

Only once

Does she get close enough

To slice your cheek

With a dagger

Of solid water

But you then retaliate

With a lash from a whip

Made of pure energy

And burn the air

Directly in front of her

Singing the ends of her hair

She tilts her head

In appreciation

And stops

Every one of her ice daggers


They fall to the ground

And she bows to you


You’ve trained well

And looks to the boy,

Emerging from the woods

You have followed this boy

Through the woods

Trained your way

Into true, unlimited power

And landed a place

Amongst these

God-like children

The boy extends a hand

To you,

A small flame

Flickering in his palm

The girl does the same,

A small cluster of ice

Swirling in her hand

So you join them,

Electricity crackling

In each hand,

Taking theirs in yours

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