Death's Sweet Embrace | Teen Ink

Death's Sweet Embrace

May 14, 2018
By Bmeister13 BRONZE, Arnold, Missouri
Bmeister13 BRONZE, Arnold, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sweet embrace of death
That is all I desire
Wishing for the final breath
To choke my internal fire

Long have I fought
Ridding myself of the Villain, so I thought
Years struggling to no avail
Subconsciously expecting to fail

What causes this grief?
Tis the stealing of my soul
Caused by a troublesome thief
Leaving an empty hole

To be rid of my eternal strife
Cannot be achieved by life
Alas death is the only escape for me
To be rid of my foe, poetry

The author's comments:

I had to write a poem for my literature and composition class.  I decided to write about how much I despise poetry.

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