Feeling of Fall | Teen Ink

Feeling of Fall

May 10, 2018
By MadeleineS. BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
MadeleineS. BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

During the months of October and November
The weather is always something to remember.
The slightly warm sun beaming down
Matched with a cool breeze floating around
The stillness of the world, no noise, no sound.

The warmth in the sun and the cold in the shade
Two different personalities Mother Nature has portrayed.
The breeze from the lake foreshadows the somewhat cold of the winter to come
Seeing numerous people outside enjoying the weather and having fun
Listening to the wind whip past my ear with a continuous hum.

The sun being there to warm you up when you’re cold
It’s electric beams shining gold
It’s presence fierce and bold.
Always placing me in a positive mindset
The warm and breezy feeling of Fall is something I’ll never forget.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the fall weather here in Louisiana.

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