Misery | Teen Ink


March 31, 2009
By AshleyNichole PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
AshleyNichole PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
23 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"the whole world steps aside for a man who knows where he is going" ~Anonymous

It just keeps....
Sinking in deeper that things are gone

Tears are falling
Leaving invisible scars on my face

Mood is changing
Fatigue is setting in

Lonely; Hurt; Confused; Curious

What did I do wrong?
What could I have done different?

Things are getting worse
I am falling more apart inside as time is passing

Funny thing is...
It has not been that long
It hurts worse than the second it happened

Worse than the second I knew the truth

Truth can tear someone apart in an instant

Imagine that.....
I think to myself
"I could never have thought it was possible
That there was emotional pain this intense
I would rather feel physical pain anyday than this"

Atleast you can block out physical pain
You may get a sudden sharp pain

But its better than walking around
Feeling like there is a knife in your heart
With every beat it just falls into you

Deeper and Deeper

Emotional pain is way deeper than anything you can think of

Think a broken bone is bad

That does not send you into spiral mode

A mode that doesn't end
That sends you around sharp corners
Scraping yourself as you pass them

Broken bones heal

Emotional pain scars you

The tears you cry
Every step to take
Everytime you close your eyes

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 5 2011 at 11:30 am
RAVER SILVER, Aurora, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Me, myself, and I, lost in the midst of time, floating o the sea of life!!!

ilove this poem, ican relate to it, imean it's like you and iare the same,,well inside atleast :) but anyway irelly do like it and you are a relly good writer :D