Ode to My Best Friend | Teen Ink

Ode to My Best Friend

February 13, 2018
By r.drippy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
r.drippy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
She's a saint with the lips of a sinner <br /> She's an angel with a devilish kiss

       We may fight,
We may argue,
We may not talk for a while,.
But deep down we are unbreakable and unspratable

     We`ve been through alot but no matter what i'm there.
You may have thought that i was a b**** from time to time….
You are the world i live in
I would be as quiet as a mouse without you
My smile would leave my body
I Wait for you everyday

The author's comments:

Me and my bestfriend are very close and no matter what im there fir her through thick and thin 

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