Two Tone Personality | Teen Ink

Two Tone Personality

January 17, 2018
By jacklyn10 GOLD, Hartland , Wisconsin
jacklyn10 GOLD, Hartland , Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From the outside and in I am soft lavender—
calming and in control,
willful yet wondrous,
there for anyone in need.
But somewhere deep inside, I am a deep, raw apple red—
loving yet lost,
devoted yet damaged.
A tone I have learned from,
to not be just enough,
but rather to be better than before.
The soft lavender and the deep, raw apple red,
the tones of emotions I feel,
the actions I have experienced,
the memories I have created
the highs and lows…
That carved my tones.

The author's comments:

Two toned personality poem 


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