Thunder at Nightfall | Teen Ink

Thunder at Nightfall

October 7, 2017
By Isabellaf1 BRONZE, New City, New York
Isabellaf1 BRONZE, New City, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I heard the thunder at nightfall
To the window I took flight
To me the sound was a call
So I could see the storm in the night

To the window I took flight
I parted the curtains in a slow drawl
So I can see the storm in the night
My head peeked from the parted pall

I parted the curtains in a slow drawl
The crackling thunder filled me with fright
My head peeked from the parted pall
And there I saw the storm in the night

The crackling thunder filled me with fright
Lightning struck the opposing wall
And there I saw the storm in the night
So I sped down the nearest hall

Lightning struck the opposing wall
And I fled with all my might
So I sped down the nearest hall
To watch the storm rumbling through the night

And I fled with all my might,
Hoping that I would not fall
To watch the storm rumbling through the night
I did not want to miss the storm at all

Hoping that I would not fall
I ran to the front door to witness the sight
I did not want to miss the storm at all
I wanted to watch the storm rage through the night

I ran to the front door to witness the sight
To me the sound was a call
I wanted to watch the storm rage through the night
When I heard the thunder at nightfall

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