Diseased | Teen Ink


April 23, 2017
By PencilInMyHand BRONZE, Conyers, Georgia
PencilInMyHand BRONZE, Conyers, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No, we are not the Same.
But, if they died we’d be to blame.
How can you kill Innocent lives
Mothers, children, babies, wives

How mad and how Sick
To kill all but what he says is perfect
So I pray for the day
That this Sickness goes away

But until then, there is Something I can do
I will risk my life to save the Jews.
Hide them in my house until
The Sickness is no longer real.

It may be days, it may be years
We are all quite sure of the many tears.
But wont it be worth it, wont it suffice?
If all those tears can save a life?

The author's comments:

There will always be monsters in the world, and where there are monsters, there are heroes. During thhe Holocaust, millions risked their lives trying to help, but got no recognition. I want people to understand the loss of millions during this dark time.

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