Heaven's Mouth | Teen Ink

Heaven's Mouth

March 10, 2009
By Ellen Burns SILVER, State University, Arkansas
Ellen Burns SILVER, State University, Arkansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A boulder sits at the mouth of the ocean;

Planted, permanent.

Every now and then, the tide slaps the side of it,

And particles of sand steadily erode the once smooth surface.

It doesn't move.

Birds land on the top to scope out food, or to just enjoy the view,

Keeping the boulder company until something more important calls them away.

The boulder's left alone.

When the fiery sun disappears, the salty water's movement continues.

In the cool, night air, the boulder is calm and still, it's placement forever reliable.

Always ready. Always waiting.

Sometimes people climb and walk all over the boulder.

Others pass it without acknowledging its presence.

But it's there.

Until one day, the waves surround and embrace it,

Gently carrying it out into the vast, accepting body of water.

Swallowed by Heaven's mouth.

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on Mar. 23 2009 at 2:25 pm
unicycledude BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Doh!" -Homer Simpson

I like it.