WHY? | Teen Ink


March 4, 2009
By Marissa Walker BRONZE, Pleasant Grove, Utah
Marissa Walker BRONZE, Pleasant Grove, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When life is at the breaking point
And you can't seem to move on
When life around you is filled with hate and fake smiles
And there's no where to turn
You're left to question
A simple word that says a whole minds thinking
When you know you're not the child you're parents always wanted to make you to be
To see the ones you once loved using and hurting you without second thought
It all comes down to
When all confusion flutters in
And you're not sure of anything
God seems so far when he once seemed so near
Family memebers like ghosts with no thought of how you feel anymore
To see guys hearts you once cared fo rturn to stone towards you'
And in the process others as well
When life puts you down
And you're at the lowest of lows
The only way seems up
But as you begin to climb up it seems you keep getting pushed back down
You wonder
How do I become lifted?
You sit in a pool of tears and no one seems to care
You like to think things happen for a reason
Yet how could they
When all you feel is hurt
And you're hearts split open in pain
Yet you mask yourself looking up with a smile
Trying to not let others see
Trying to look at the best of things
And in the end you may be down and asking
Yet one day when you finally reach the top
You may see you needed all that
To end up where you are, who you are
And when other are down asking
You can be the one to extend a reaching hand to pull them up into loving arms
And tell them while they may need to hear
You're there and you love them.
There are those who have already climbed the hole
Who now are reaching down to you
All you have to do is reach up.

The author's comments:
This was inspired because of my life. I was going through a hard time and felt hurt and really down. There are people who want to help, let them help you. The things you are going through will help you in the future, you can do it, believe in yourself!

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 3 2009 at 4:04 am
Frenchfrylicious, Grizzly Flats, California
0 articles 0 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can do anything you put your mind to!

Why is a good question and sometimes it will stay unanswered, but never give up!

You are very blessed with writing poetry.