Build...Then Subside | Teen Ink

Build...Then Subside

August 4, 2016
By jill.p.davis SILVER, Rutherford, New Jersey
jill.p.davis SILVER, Rutherford, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"I have a dream!" He exclaimed.

Freedom, Prosperity, EQUALITY 

Was all he hoped for.

Each step was a rain drop into a puddle,

creating a ripple through the world.

Millions of listeners joined his side.

Bricks shattered windows.

Churchers were set a flame.

Policemen tried to stop it,

But to no avail.


Freedom, Prosperity, EQULITY.

There was no stopping the hope of that,

The dream of that. 

"I have a dream!" He pronounced.

The only thing to end that,

      was a bullet. 

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