The 5 Stages | Teen Ink

The 5 Stages

June 9, 2016
By amaxnightmare SILVER, AMHERST, New York
amaxnightmare SILVER, AMHERST, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I don’t understand
You said you loved me
A minute ago
What changed in seconds
To suddenly make you doubt?

I must be dreaming
This is a nightmare
This cannot be real
How do I adapt
How are you okay?

Everything burning
The light has vanished
My sanity lost
Sight has left me too
Darkness will reign forever

Could I have changed this
Could I have loved more
Could I have smiled
Once more to change this
What did I do wrong?


You said forever
I meant forever
How could you do this
You promised not to
Promised to always love me


If I beat my score
He will want me back
If I learn to dance
He will message me
Universe, please, bring him back

Everyday is worse
The sun has not shone
There is no reason
To smile again
Nothing left but memories

There is no regret
I cherished our time
We had so much fun
I want it all back
I know you don't feel the same

No one can help me
They don't understand
They say it's okay
I can barely sleep
My pain cannot be explained


I can breathe today
The sun was shining
The earth still turning
She made me smile
Life goes on without you here

There is someone else
Not now, but someday
We shouldn’t have planned
For our forever
We have better tomorrows

This made me grow up
Life seems to short now
To play children’s games
I hope you move on
It still hurts, but be happy

When can we be friends?

I hope you find someone else.

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