A Fairytale Friendship | Teen Ink

A Fairytale Friendship

June 9, 2016
By amaxnightmare SILVER, AMHERST, New York
amaxnightmare SILVER, AMHERST, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pinky promises and friendship rings
Sleeping bag stories, late night laughs
“Best friends forever” is what was said
We were more like sisters
We distracted each other from life
Creating imaginary lives
We were fairies, mermaids
                                                    We believed
Forever was not a long time then
When we enjoyed each other's presence
After the fighting it seemed so long
Middle school was arguing
And when you left we were glad to stop
Being friends that did not care
The artificially sweet text messages
The happy birthday’s on the wrong day
Nine years
                      A friendship just gone
I knew your house better than my own
And now the halls are empty

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