Selfish vs. Selfless | Teen Ink

Selfish vs. Selfless

May 27, 2016
By andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One miniscule movement.
And your fate is decided.

Selfish snarled,“You have so much more to do here.”
“He will die. I will kill a man.”Selfless bickered back.

One movement.
And your fate is decided.

“I don’t even know him...he could be a highly depressed, worthless man.”
“He could be an honest, kind soul...I don’t even know him.”

One movement.
Your fate is decided.

Selfish snickers, “You deserve to be here.”
“Not any more than he does,” Selfless snaps back.

One move.
Fate is decided.

“Do it. Turn him in. You’re running out of time. One miniscule movement and your fate is decided.”
“He, with a face drenched in fearful so...I can’t just...I know what to do.”

Fate is deci...

The author's comments:

It's not everyday that you have to decide whether to kill or be killed. But we do make choices to be selfish or selfless every single moment of everyday.

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