Swimming | Teen Ink


May 19, 2016
By Cassia_S GOLD, Princeton, New Jersey
Cassia_S GOLD, Princeton, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fly, back, breast, free
who is the fairest of them all?
It’s too early to decide; I can’t tell.
Hm, I think, oh well.
Time to swim them all.

So begins my I.M.
Individual Medley
A race of all four strokes.

I’m in the water.
Flying through the fly.
But just before I take my next stroke,
I choke.
Panicking for air, my lungs scream
But then I choke again.
Hopefully, this is all just a bad dream.
But I’m racing for my team,
Aching, I still must go on.

My worst stroke.
I flail my arms
But I have no charm.
The water pushes me back
I’m right back where I started!
Inching slowly,
I try my best,
Time to put myself to the test.

Finally, after all this time.
Time to show off my prime.
pull, breathe, kick.
Ready to pull ahead.
Up, down, up, down,
Hey! I’m not that behind after all.
My arms are sore,
Swimming this race has become even more than a chore.
But wait! There’s more!

The last stroke
After this, I’ll be done.
Yet I’m still hoping this is just some joke.
Hoping that I’m in the warm comfort of my bed.
That this is just a bad dream.
But no time for wishful thinking,
Time for speed

I reach the wall.
Wait…. I’m done?
Why that seemed short!

But no thanks,
I’m good for now
Race that again?
No thanks
Maybe later
Maybe never

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