Spinning | Teen Ink


May 22, 2016
By jdalton BRONZE, Beavercreek, Ohio
jdalton BRONZE, Beavercreek, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day begins,
The bell rings.
All my attention is turned to the invisible voice
That tells me what to do.
I sit down and the teacher begins.
The world still spins.

Supper comes and my feet are dragging.
My vessel for my books slams down,
next to my feet.
I sigh as the chair grips my back,
and my bag of sustenance beckons to be opened.
The world still spins.

The last activity of the day comes,
Jargon that is hard to understand bombards the mind.
The clock ticks louder with every second,
Tick… Tick… Tick…
The invisible voice comes back to rule my world.
The world still spins.

The words the voice brings touches me,
They bring a revelation.
I found that the world does not spin around me,
Nor does it spin around that boy over there,
It spins no matter the events.
And the world still spins.

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