Always | Teen Ink


April 12, 2016
By R.M.C. BRONZE, Townville, South Carolina
R.M.C. BRONZE, Townville, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world is yours for the taking they said,

Words spoken to you at the age of three.
You can be whatever you want to be,
The freedom of being naive.
Basking in the sun of your youth,
Until one day you grew up and the clouds covered up the rays.
But it’ll be okay,
It always turns out that way,

The memories of your childhood come flooding back.
Heat of the sun baked the ground that you walked on,
As if the sun would do anything for you.
You were in control of the sun.
Now the wind that used to caress your face,
Pushes you back,
Back from the goals you wish to achieve,
Back from the love that you wish to receive,
But it will be okay,
It always turns out that way,

Your wishes still cling to you,
Like a little red balloon that you hold on tight to.
And just when the sun came out to play once more,
The wind decide to return and take away your hopes and dreams.
The balloon of wishes was carried away as if it never existed.
But it will be okay,
It always turns out that way,

Stumbling back up the road of life something catches your eye,
But could it be?
They were just empty words, they never meant a thing.
Hope doesn’t exist,
Love just breaks your heart ,
And wishes never come true anyway.
It’s never going to be okay,
It never will turn out that way,

But a glimpse of red catches your eye,
And a glimmer of hope puts a spring in your stride.
It is the balloon,
Wishes do come true.
Climbing the tree of adversity, you grab your wishes and dreams.
Tying the little red balloon to wrist you realize hope does exist.
It will always be okay,
Because you know that it will always turn out that way.
If not at first, but in the end it will,

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write "Always" was a piece of artwork done by a graffiti artist that goes by the name of Banksy. He does most of his work in London. The particular piece that based my poem off of is of a little girl losing a red heart shaped balloon. I wrote this poem as an assignment for my English class; when I handed it in, my teacher told me about this website and told me to try and publish it. For that I thank her. (The picture that was selected to go with this poem is not the picture that I based "Always" off of. 

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