Beating Heart | Teen Ink

Beating Heart

March 30, 2016
By Wyatt_The_Brown BRONZE, Wathena, Kansas
Wyatt_The_Brown BRONZE, Wathena, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Things will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end"

My heart, it beats singing sweet sorrow,
The pain inside is simply too much.
I dare not say “I’ll see you tomorrow”,
For tis not worth living without your touch.

You made me feel alive before,
but now to my despair,
You ask me to leave, walk out the door,
Though we had just learned the door was there.

The pain, it stings, it burns so very bright,
Though tis only been a day.
I must stand up, I must fight!
I refuse to let it end this way!

I shall pick up my spear, and don my shield!
I will don my armor and ready my bow!
They had always told me love was a battlefield,
but now, in my finest hour I finally know.

I know you are full of doubt,
You think our love can not be.
However, after that splendid clout,
I can prove we are meant to fly free!

Your hand within my own,
We will live without fear!
When my heart is yours alone,
Our path in life is clear.

So where do we stand,
Within our emotional war?
Will you take my hand,
Or am I left to moore?

I can not say what it will take,
Your mind is stubborn and torn.
You leave behind a painful wake,
While I simply sit and mourn….

The author's comments:

I've been struggling with feelings for a girl. She has me hooked like a drug. We recently had an "encounter" and now we're struggling with these feeling mentioned a moment ago. We want something to be there, she doesnt think there could be but I know it could if she tried. So came this poem.

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