Alone | Teen Ink


March 17, 2016
By AllisynJonsie BRONZE, Dittmer, Missouri
AllisynJonsie BRONZE, Dittmer, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Am I alive?
It feels as if I'm not.
Even if I were to strive,
It would still feel like a clot.

Something is in my way,
I cannot make it move.
Am I made of clay?
Because now, I cannot move.

I believe I am a doll.
With little dolly parts,
I cannot call,
But, thinking is a start.

I move my arm,
And now my leg.
Am I warm?
I feel like a peg...

Stuck on a game board,
Moving by default.
They'll move me by their own records.
Maybe it's my fault.

Was I wrong?
When I told her to leave?
When I refused to write that song?
On that Christmas Eve?

When I told her to be gone,
She threw away my gift.
Later I found she had moved on,
I'm alone again in my own rift.

I hadn't thought I'd done anything wrong
Maybe it's what got me here.
But then again... it was just a song
It was only just one year

Maybe if I could just slip a tear,
Let it rain.
It might just dissappear,
All of this pain

I've hid inside,
My happiness was revoked
Her passing was my demise
My heart was stuck with a spoke

But we're in the present now,
I just saw her walk by!
If only I could bow,
Or at the least, just cry...

What was she doing here?
Did she see me crystallize?
Upon this pedestal, my dear,
Does she think I'm her prize?

I'm just porcelain!
Leave me alone!
Bottled up with all this adrenaline...!
Don't leave me on this lonely throne!

She'll walk away!
And leave me once more...
Ever since she left, I was lead astray
Just left my blood to pour!

If only I could scream,
Let it all out,
And break away at the seams
I would just shout

Tears of agony stream down my face
I thought I'd feel better
They left sadness in their place
It just made my face wetter

A scream broke loose
My mold is hanging by a thread
I feel like I'm hanging from a noose
Now I just feel dread

She walked over and picked me up
Held me close and said
"You made my heart erupt,
I felt like I was dead"

I cried out to her
And it was known
Her eyes started to blur...
SHE had turned me into stone!

She had killed me on the inside...
And all she did was cry
I knew this was a lie
She didn't even have to try...

The author's comments:

This piece was written because of a loss of a "friend".

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