In the Chilling Breeze | Teen Ink

In the Chilling Breeze

March 11, 2016
By Nykthos BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Nykthos BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She's just like me; an outcast

I think, I've seen her in my past

She is! She's the one who sat next to me in class

She was so quiet, and turned red whenever I pass

Now she's here with me, wiping her tears really fast.


She exclaimed "I've found you! At long last!"

"B-But why?" I replied in flabbergast

"First, let's walk in on the overpass"

In the Chilling Breeze


What I see from her now and back then are contrast

Her actions, her face are so bright and colorfast

As she passed, she smelled fragrant, like sassafrass

She confessed her feelings at last in the overpass

Our hearts were joyed and unified by this cast

In the Chilling Breeze

The author's comments:

This was supposed to be a continuation of "No one can see" in a form of a rondeau that I did in class. Thought it was pretty good so I uploaded it here.

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