Frozen Over | Teen Ink

Frozen Over

March 15, 2016
By Anonymous

The ambition is no longer alive
Within a blink of a cold eye,
My childhood is shattered.

Warming our frosty world,
Saving one man at a time.
The ambition is no longer alive

Adorable Patterns and colors
Adjourned by the uniforms.
My childhood is shattered

Coughing and Sneezing surrounds me,
With the sight of youngling’s heaving
The ambition is no longer alive.

Cool air ignites goosebumps on my arm,
Doctors hustle and bustle around
My childhood is shattered

Hopes and dreams chipping away,
With no residue left over.
My ambition is lifeless
And my childhood is shattered.

The author's comments:

What inspired me was the thought of how fast my life is passing by and in one more year I'll be heading off to college. It kind of reminded of me of how when I was younger I dreamed of becoming a nurse, but as I grew older I came to recognize that it's just not about saving people's lives.

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