We are Diamonds | Teen Ink

We are Diamonds

March 14, 2016
By Jinjee BRONZE, Crossriver, New York
Jinjee BRONZE, Crossriver, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We were born a burden
We were born expendable

Words floating through my mind 


We are glass

They are diamonds


We live to reflect
While they live to shine


We were born uncivilized
We were born lost


Like you once told me
"life is never fair"


Fighting for our freedom

They won't answer my prayers


They might have a throne

But People like us will never be heir

The author's comments:

This was a poem written for a project we did on To Kill a Mockingbird at my school. It shows how Blacks in America were oppressed by comparing them to glass which says how invisible they are. This poem says how change is very hard, and that it has to be worked for. 

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