The Cell Phone: Bane of social existance | Teen Ink

The Cell Phone: Bane of social existance

March 7, 2016
By OliverChapin BRONZE, Austin, Texas
OliverChapin BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A box
It consumes people like a portal to another world. A virtual world. A world of fake names and fake realities. A world of fake people and identities. A world of “LOLs” and smiley faces and yet a world full of hate and disrespect, most said anonymously from behind the protection of a thin glass screen.

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Hours can be spent engulfed on its abilities. It wastes our lives, making time fly by while reminding us, in case for any reason we would like to know, that Aunt Marge purchased a cup of coffee and that another celebrity made another bad decision.

A box
  It tears families apart as what was once a nice family dinner where a good meaningful conversation would have been into a perfect chance to post a picture of the food you're about to consume. And for what? The special status of being called a “foodie.”Is that really worth sacrificing valuable family time? 

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When it fails, we lose hope for our lives. We rush it to a so-called genius who might have a remedy to make it right. Should it be lost, we are prepared to shell out hundreds of dollars from our savings to purchase another one, only to be consumed into it again.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece becuase of my growing detest for smartphones. everyone I know spends to much time on them and wastes time which could be better spen in so many ways.

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