I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

February 9, 2016
By Gunnar116 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Gunnar116 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from waking up at 4am to go goose hunting,

enjoying the soothing, peaceful sounds of the black of night.

I am from going free climbing with my friends,
loving the risk of death,
when my heart starts racing, where it feels as if it's about to jump from my chest.
Never getting enough of adrenaline it's like a drug and I'm addicted.

I am from “living in the fast lane”,
weather it's going 145mph down a backroad,
or bombing a hill on my snowboard.

I'm from learning not to take something for granted,
“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get”.

I’m from a family of four and a brother who taught me that
“The brave may not live forever, but the cautious don't live at all”.

I'm from a secluded back country peaceful feeling,
of living in the woods, having no near by neighbors.

From the dreadfully long dirt bike trips with dad
to the relaxation of driving around without purpose...

From 1AM gym sessions when I can't sleep
to early morning hunting trips with only a few hours of sleep.

From wanting that Texas heat but loving that Wisconsin snow,
indecisive my parents say...

I am from dirt biking in Colorado
wanting to live there the rest of my life,
loving and enjoying the majestic landscape of the mountains.

I am from a Montana hunting trip
when I was ten years old, where my dad handed down that old 22.
Now forever loving, cherishing, and holding on to that first gun.

I am from those 4 AM hunting trips,
loving the solitude of being in the dark...

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