Final Vow | Teen Ink

Final Vow

February 7, 2016
By ariel.lucille97 BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
ariel.lucille97 BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I took a deep breath,

Counted to three.

A picture in my head,

Of who they wanted me to be.

They wanted me to be normal,

Happy and kind.

They never thought

That I could be so blind.

Not blind by the meaning,

But blind in the heart,

Blinded in the darkness,

Blinded by dark.

I walk around lifeless,

My heart beating but dead.

A walking corpse,

I’m lost inside my head.

Things have no meaning,

At least not anymore.

I’m not how I was,

How I once was before.

I’m one of the living,

But one of the dead.

A part of me is missing,

I hang on by a thread.

I hung my head low,

And took one final bow.

I stepped off the edge,
Saying one final vow..

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