I Stumble Over Words | Teen Ink

I Stumble Over Words

February 6, 2009
By Epidemic SILVER, Racine, Wisconsin
Epidemic SILVER, Racine, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stumble over words,
As I look you in the face.
I start to mumble,
And my heart begins to race.

I know what I should tell you,
Because it's what I feel.
Why'd I hold it back?
This pain is just too real.

If I told you,
You simply wouldn't care.
It hurts me so bad,
Cause I know your heart is there.

Your feelings aren't for me,
So who are they for?
Wait, don't tell me,
She's probably just a whore.

'I love you,'
It's just three simple words.
Gentle smile on your face,
I find my heart in thirds.

I know that look,
Acceptance and pity.
Normally I would think,
'Man, you're freaking pretty.'

I blink away tears,
I have no words to utter.
Though if I tried,
I guess I'd only stutter.

Well I told you how I feel,
It's something I regret.
Here's something for you-
I'm someone to forget.

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