Here. | Teen Ink


December 3, 2015
By irenefg SILVER, Houston, Texas
irenefg SILVER, Houston, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." -Friedrich Nietzsche

And now you are finally done with your hiding
The flower has wilted, you’re tired
You can come at rest here
And waiting for you is peace
Soon, all of the problems will be gone
Soon, life will wilt into death.

I know that it has come, it is your death
I found it among the fallen leaves, hiding
And now all life is gone
The sun has set, you’re tired
But you may finally rest with peace
Now that you are here.

Earlier, you had been here
A little while before your death
You almost seemed peaceful
If I had not seen through your hiding
If your facade had not been tired
If my naivety had not been gone


And just like that all my hope is gone
It ran away, away from here
From all the problems that left it tired
From all the pain caused by your death
I cannot seem to find where it is hiding
Maybe it too has found its peace

My mind cannot find peace
To you all my thoughts have gone
I have taken to hiding
Hiding from my happiness; here
Happiness has no place after your death
It’s purpose has been tired

And maybe you were just too tired
Maybe you are happy now at peace
Maybe the only way to peace was death
Maybe I should rejoice that you are gone
But it is so alone now here
Now the house is much too empty for hiding

And you left me tired now that you are gone
I must try to find my peace, but I cannot find it here
This house is soaked in death, I need somewhere else for hiding

The author's comments:

A Sestina

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