Thoughtless Sentinel | Teen Ink

Thoughtless Sentinel

October 13, 2015
By Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We can climb out of hell one inch at a time.

I am the time-teller
Eventually, wind will break my fingers
They fall, brittle and brilliantly bloodstained
Yet I still dance to the gale-song
I am the water-finder,
I tunnel down in the dark dirt
Searching for earth’s unseen gifts
Over and over I relive my death
Only my Nurturer and executioner
Will be able to count my years
My skin is scaled and armor-like
Even where my many soft digits
After time, come through again
The thoughtless-sentinel is me
In an ocean of others, I stand
Still as a stable stone
I am the listless life-giver
Do you know my name?

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