Watch Her Crumble | Teen Ink

Watch Her Crumble

October 6, 2015
By MERSmith BRONZE, Wyoming, Michigan
MERSmith BRONZE, Wyoming, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Although diversity is a human need, we do not have the capability nor the understanding to tolerate it when it could be right in front of us painted neon orange and wearing a cowboy hat.”

You may watch her crumble;
You may watch her fall
Into a world of darkness that is insufferable.
You may watch her crumble
From the sidelines of silent souls.
The silence, to her, is utterly maddening.
It is but a mere omen of judgement passing.
You can watch her crumble
Into the shattered remains of a vacant shell
And you can tune out the sounds of her anguished yells.
But keep in mind
That her once free spirit faded away in time.
Now she is nothing but a whispering willow,
Whipping lifelessly against the wind with a single blow.
Her once free spirit can no longer take flight;
For it is enveloped by the shadows,
And left to call lonesomely in the dark of the night.
You can only watch her crumble into the remains
Of a broken girl that has been swallowed by the chains
That were cast by a corrupted society
And locked up to only be encased by her own agony.

The author's comments:

I wrote this when I was having identity issues with myself and it has helped me come a long way down a road of self-discovery. 

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