Days' Progression | Teen Ink

Days' Progression

October 2, 2015
By Claudia Colliva BRONZE, Martinez, Other
Claudia Colliva BRONZE, Martinez, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They dash faster than horses, perish sooner than flies
Chasing after one another, like a turbine of successions
The one in queue ever inscrutable, he lies veiled in fine disguise 

Their infinite appearance camouflages an unforeseen surprise
For that air of stubborn pride, soon succumbs to crude recession
They dash faster than horses, perish sooner than flies

Teasing at the rider, they whisper of a future prize
In agreement they drop clues, but never address the question
The one in queue ever inscrutable, he lies veiled in fine disguise

Walking into the blowing turbine, one is innocent and unwise
It takes time to become aware of the silent, sad confession
They dash faster than horses, perish sooner than flies

Some later, others sooner we all accustom to the obscene lies
Realization sheds light on their transient progression
The one in queue ever inscrutable, he lies veiled in fine disguise

So we learn they are our enemies, become aware of our surmise
Get lost inside the turbine, fail to go back in retrocession
They dash faster than horses, perish sooner than flies
The one in queue ever inscrutable, he lies veiled in fine disguise

The author's comments:

This piece is a villanelle, writen to represent the fast and uncontrollable progression of time. 

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