One Last Day | Teen Ink

One Last Day

July 17, 2015
By Anonymous

You're ready to go
Grab your jacket you freak show
Check yourself in the mirror
Just one last day

You're fat, you're ugly
You worthless whore
No one gets you anymore
Just one last day

Pull down your sleeves i can see your cuts
No one cares you attention slut
Just one last day

The words, the actions
Who cares about your reaction
Just one last day

The rope, the burn
Oh how things turn
Just one last breath

The author's comments:

This poem is about the effects of bullying. If someone has been bullied often they start to think what people say are true. Causing them to become self-conscious,which may lead to self-harm. This poem shows that it only takes one day for someone to end their life because of their dark thoughts, caused by bullies.

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