Kiss of Death | Teen Ink

Kiss of Death

July 5, 2015
By Mrs.Humphrey GOLD, Modesto, California
Mrs.Humphrey GOLD, Modesto, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A knock on the door, I hold my breath.
Standing before me is an angel of death.
He has come to take my life.
My heart is filled with so much strife.
I don’t want to go, but I don’t want to stay.
The world around me is turning gray.
His cold breath touches my face.
It seems as if no where is my place.
Tears begin rolling down my cheek.
My future is looking quite bleak.
I push him back, but there’s nothing there.
This is it, I say a prayer.
He lifts my chin, his hand’s so cold.
I’ve barely lived, I’m not very old.
Where eyes should be there is only black.
Please just let me go home, go back.
Our lips touch a single kiss,
The gray is now a beautiful bliss.

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