June 11, 2015
By blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live today like yesterdays tomorrow- me

They say that once a heart gets broken a little bit of you starts to slowly fade away and is slowly lost. They say that once you experience your first heart break by the boy or girl whom you've believed to be your whole world, you become numb and every thing that youve ever thought to be true about love was slowly and truly a big fat lie! You soon come te realize that everything that you thought you loved when you were together was amazing like the music you both enjoyed, the movies you were both so into, or the memories that you both created and all the tears and the smiles and all the hardships slowly begin to fade away and all the times you said I LOVE YOU and all the times that you promised that you would be together FOREVER AND ALWAYS. You soon start to realize that it was all just a big fat lie! ALL OF IT!


They say that once the love starts to fade that all the sparks in the relationship and all the butterflys start to fade away. They say that with out the emotion and the sparks that the kisses and the sex arent as satifying or satifying at all anymore. They tell you NOT TO OPEN YOUR HEART TO ANYONE WHO YOU KNOW WILL HURT YOU IN THE END! and to NEVER BECOME ANYTHING WITH THE PERSON YOU WERE ONCE REALLY CLOSE FRIENDS WITH, because as soon as you do it all turns to s***!


So tell me, with everything that youve witnessed and everything that youve heared is it still worth it? is it still worth all the pain and tears and all the heart break? is it still worth all the good and bad things that happens along the way? If so than you're a bigger fool that i thought.

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