Food chain | Teen Ink

Food chain

April 22, 2015
By Josiah Backhaus BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Josiah Backhaus BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun sets in the west and night time arrives.
A feeding frenzy for all breeds.
For the seeds produce and give life.
Then wither and die.
Now in the pits of a young mouse stomach.
Energy to outrun even the fiercest predators.
For this mouse is prey and must give life.
Now disintegrating in a long old enemy.
slithering from hole to hole trying to find that next kill.
Dead silence as a prey emerges.
For the snake does not see he is prey and must give life too.
So quiet with every step and climbing high.
Higher and Higher a cat must find that next meal.
Moving to the sound of silence a bird almost in its grasp.
For the cat does not see he is being hunted.
Not a care in the world and a hot fire.
A man eats his meal.
For a man knows he is at the top.

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