Nurse Your Little Boy To Sleep | Teen Ink

Nurse Your Little Boy To Sleep

February 25, 2015
By Brookeee GOLD, Newnan,
Brookeee GOLD, Newnan,
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your heart leaks,
“I am cross-stitched with lost wishes
leather bound with all of my words
tethered to another world.”

A bed once made up of solace and warmth
now wreaks of whiskey tainted despair and-
Look at you, so forsaken
strangled by the evil feeding on your soul.
Tossing and turning, shivering and shaking
uncomfortable in your own skin.

Darkness lingering above
he smells the stench of your vulnerability
hears the fear cemented in your throat
tastes your insanity.
This phantom visitor clutches your heart
with slender fingers and filthy claws.
He carves remorse, regret…
red, red, red

Lace your nightmare in my veins
and I will bleed them for you.
Allow me your cross.
I’ll hammer my flesh
I’ll hold you and love you well.
Lay your burdens at my feet
and I will kiss yours.
Rake- peel your scars off of your skin
like brand new stickers.
I will burn them into my flesh.
Give in to me, and be mine.

Hush, little boy. Don’t you cry.
Dream of escape.
Someday you will fly.
Loosen your grip on sin
and repent.
Take a machete to your skin
and split every atom
like shattered diamonds on the floor
and then…piece them together again
but this time without every infliction, every transgression
all the anguish.
Suppress your oppressors.
Slaughter your demons.
Seize the day!
Write an autobiography
but this time without the misery.
You deserve blissfulness, you are worth a new life.
Do not be troubled, don’t be afraid.
Lace your nightmares in my veins
and I will bleed them for you.
I will take your place.
Cast aside- dispose of every vice
this time without any hesitation.

Let your eyelids hug you to night.
I will tuck you in, so tight.
No one can harm you
You are stronger than that.
Find peace now, little boy.
Sleep tight, my love.
And sweet dreams.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece in the perspective of a dreamcatcher watching over a small child. I dedicate this poem to three of my really close friends. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 23 2015 at 12:34 pm
Robyn Clarke BRONZE, Newnan, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
You are an INCREDIBLE AUTHOR. I wish I had your way with words :)