Missing Innocence | Teen Ink

Missing Innocence

February 17, 2015
By MarissaKailey23 GOLD, Papillion, Nebraska
MarissaKailey23 GOLD, Papillion, Nebraska
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
1. I live my life one quarter mile at a time. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free
2.Life's simple, you make choices and you don't look back
3.Ride or die

I've lost it, I checked every place there is to look

My innocence is lost, I want to know to where it was took

I searched for answers every where

I'm not sure where I lost it, through so much wear and tear

Scowered every inch of my mind

I even went through time in rewind

I can't remember where it frist went wrong

It's been missing for so long

I checked under the couch

Cleaned out every pouch

Checked behind my bed 

Even tried clearing my head

I think of it while staring at the bottom of a glass

I think of it when I daze off in class

It crosses my mind with every Huff

It's something I ponder with every Puff

It keeps me awake at night

I think about it when I loose all view of the light

I worry it's gone, I'm not getting it back

I worry I'll live my life, my innocence always being at lack

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