Into the woods, | Teen Ink

Into the woods,

February 11, 2015
By Gavin Stapley SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
Gavin Stapley SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

It all started out as a normal day
and then we decided to go into the woods.
We went with heads held high
hoping the whole world would bow to us.

We marched out into the trees and mountains.
Never to be seen again.
A sense of adventure
was all that we had.

We carried pride on our chest,
with little to regret.

“Remember that one time
we got lost in the woods
and couldn’t find our way out,

you thought we were
going to die
but it’s horrifying to be because it was true, and
you were right.”
  -I said to you with a dying breath.

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