Family | Teen Ink


January 28, 2015
By MKatt BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
MKatt BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Its a wonderful gift
From the ones who are most important
My parents

My best friend
The girl I like
The wonderful time I had

None of these would exist if it wasn’t for My parents
They cared enough to go  through
Good and bad
Easy and hard

My father
He trained me
Taught me
Cared for me
He looks at me
As him as a boy

My mother
She went through the most painful thing
My birth
She nourishes me
Helped me
Loves me

Sure their rule’s may not be what I want
But its for a reason
They went through a lot of pain
To give me life

The rules are to protect me
Keep me safe
I mean the world to them

So they gave Me a gift
The gift of life
What a wonderful gift.


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